Use this outline to learn how to place an order with us. We prefer all orders to be in writing if possible please use the order forms found online if this does not work for you send us an e-mail or give us a call and we can help you with the applicable information. We have two main types of buckles hand engraved and predesigned buckles, each has it’s own ordering process as outlined below but there are some things in common.
For every order we need:
1. Your contact information – full name, address, phone number and e-mail address
2. Any files related to your order – logos, brands, pictures
3. We require payment before starting on your order unless otherwise arranged
Place an order for a Handmade Buckle:
We have a very easy order form for these buckles. You will see a button under the paragraph on the handmade buckles page that says “Order Now” click this button and it will take to you the order form. Please complete as much of the order form as you can. If you are not sure how to lay things out we would be happy to help with the design. If you have an idea of what you would like attach a sketch to the order form, make sure to tell us how big the buckle is as not all sketches are to scale. Then submit the order form. We will contact you within 3 business days.
Place an Order for a Predesigned Buckle:
Ordering a stock buckle is easy. Click the image of the style of stock buckle you want, you will be taken to the appropriate order form. Once you have completed the order form hit submit and pay through paypal (you do not need to have a paypal account, you can use your credit card too). That’s it! We will confirm your order within 3 business days.